People here work on a first name basis only - or by adjective: works at Dizzy Donkey/used to work at Margaritaville/plays the ripsaw. Addresses are given by neighborhood designation: "Nurse Burton's apartments in Palm Grove". How do you figure out a mailing address from that?! You have to ask the bank. But you can't sign onto the online website unless you can answer the questions.
"Last 4 digits of your account... No, just the last four.... Ok, nevermind. Write you account number for me...."
Ok, next:
"Mother's maiden name...."
"No, a woman changes her name when she gets married, right? So what was your mother's name before she got married?"
Oh boy.
Ok, I give up. I'm having the young man find a ride to the bank at the far end of the island to answer this simple question. If he comes back with the proper billing address then we'll just have to worry about the payment verification process. This process takes about a week.
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