We took them to all the usual spots:
They stayed at the Bohio,

which they really got to enjoy since I worked more than I thought I would.
We experienced the Cruise Center and Jack's Shack. We ate at the Sand Bar, the best beach bar in the Caribbean, we went to the Salt House

and Xheng's Palace with Mel (my new museum partner in crime, who arrived mid-visit)

and Joan's Deli

and enjoyed music at the Salt Raker (with Wes on sax - a real treat!).

We went to pet the sting rays at Gibbs Cay

and went to the Lighthouse

and ate at the Bohio on Thursday night with Keith and Val and Neal and Tuvol

and watched the sun set with Bion and Colleen over pretzels and beer.
There isn't an island beat that we missed. They even volunteered at the Museum.
We went to pet the sting rays at Gibbs Cay

and went to the Lighthouse

and ate at the Bohio on Thursday night with Keith and Val and Neal and Tuvol

and watched the sun set with Bion and Colleen over pretzels and beer.
They snorkeled every day (even when dad got really lobster red) and mom said she felt like she was in a fish bowl. We saw cow fish and trunk fish and parrot fish and baby needle fish feeding on the schools of baby minnow fish. Dad "battled" a 5 ft Barracuda all by himself, and I accidentally read Don't Stop the Carnival instead of The Carnival Never Got Started. It was a great trip for all of us.

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